Government Affairs Overview

What AANR and your Regional GAT team does.

by Jonathan Duffield, AANR-Florida Government Affairs Chair

  • AANR is your insurance policy, working for you 365 days a year, to create and maintain “The Credible Voice of Reason” with federal, state, and local governments – providing assistance to legislators as needed.
  • AANR is your watchdog on guard 24/7 to catch, track, and head-off potential negative legislation before it is introduced. It is ten thousand times more difficult to get a bad law repealed than it is to stop a bad bill from becoming law in the first place.  The Government Affairs Team watches, waits, and then acts.
  • AANR works directly with a bad bill’s sponsors, whenever possible, to show them the potential consequences of their bill; and to persuade them to withdraw it, or assist them with drafting new language to prevent damage to our clubs, members, and allies.
  • AANR maintains strong relationships with other organizations – such as the National Conference of State Legislators, the Department of Travel and Tourism, and the Chamber of Commerce – to proactively influence and promote positive legislation and liberal rules and regulations concerning nude recreation.
  • AANR commits resources to, and actively works with, governmental bodies and agencies on long-term initiatives to create and develop more naturist spaces on public lands. And AANR frequently partners with other like-minded organizations, and acts as a supportive consultant for parties seeking to establish new family-friendly nudist resorts and clubs.
  • AANR’s Government Affairs Team consults with the other regions and clubs, on a monthly video conference, to track and prevent passage of restrictive laws, to discuss strategies for dealing with current and future threats, and to share the counsel and advice gleaned from the experience of others.
  • AANR’s Government Affairs Team needs YOU to help in monitoring for restrictive ordinances at the county and municipal levels where the network is weakest; and for organizing grassroots participation by the members when the team determines that action is appropriate. The time commitment is negligible, and your service is invaluable.  PLEASE contact your region’s Government Affairs Team chairperson to volunteer.


“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”  (Thomas Jefferson)

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